Agriculture Impacts Weather: The Case For Connected Ecosystems
When viewing the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles and southwest Kansas in Google Earth, you can see areas of green interspersed with predominantly brown tones. Zooming into any of these areas, you quickly discover that the majority of these green pixels are irrigated fields
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Cree LED J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs
Introducing our cutting-edge J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs, featuring industry-leading LED efficiency up to 242 LPW or 3.33 PPF/W typical. Sharing the same high-reliability package, the two performance options of E & F Class allow luminaire manufacturers to boost performance for high efficacy lighting in outdoor areas, indoor harsh environments and horticulture applications. J Series JB3030C LEDs are an easy design choice: footprint compatible with 301B/H, available LM-80 data, and a full range of color temperatures (2700-6500K) and CRIs (70-80-90). Upgrade your lighting with unmatched performance and durability.